Spiritual Mentors
Experienced Support For Your Spiritual Well-Being
Your spiritual growth is in your hands, but you don’t have to walk the path alone. The right guidance can make the journey easier and more fulfilling.
Take a moment to explore mentors who have helped others find clarity and purpose. Click on the one who resonates with you to learn more. When you’re ready, fill out a short, confidential form so they know how to reach you.
They’ll get your message right away and connect with you soon. From there, you’ll take the next steps together.
Patrice Gammon Rivera
Patrice, a seasoned spiritual practitioner, blends wisdom and humor, believing life reflects beliefs. She embraces growth, transformation, and a non-denominational, personal path rooted in experience and understanding.
John Stasny
John, a U.S. Navy veteran, Divine Science Practitioner and seasoned Alcoholics Anonymous Sponsor, believes that faith, support, and determination can help anyone overcome adversity and build a fulfilling life.
Katrina Dorow
Katrina Dorow, a Spiritual Practitioner (RScP) and Equine Gestaltist®, empowers clients through spiritual alignment, coaching, and workshops, integrating horses’ healing power for personal transformation and sustainable change.
Edgar Rivera
Edgar, a former Catholic, found spiritual alignment at Mile Hi Church. Now a Practitioner, he and his wife travel, embracing life’s twists with faith, gratitude, and the belief that Spirit guides all.