Understanding The Bible

Culver Nelson, D.D.

The Old Testament

Session 1 - On Mything The Point

by Culver Nelson, D.D. | Understanding The Bible

Session 2 - Exodus and the Struggle for Identity

by Culver Nelson, D.D. | Understanding The Bible

Session 3 - Biblical History and the Stewardship of the Land

by Culver Nelson, D.D. | Understanding The Bible

Session 4 - Politics, Prophets and Profits: When Insight Is More Human Than Foresight

by Culver Nelson, D.D. | Understanding The Bible

Session 5 - Ethics and Ethical-Race Religion and Human Realityy

by Culver Nelson, D.D. | Understanding The Bible

Session 6 - Sage and Saint: On Making Room for Diversity & Eccentricity

by Culver Nelson, D.D. | Understanding The Bible

The New Testament

Session 7 - Orality, Memory and Tradition: The Synoptic Gospels and Interpreted History

by Culver Nelson, D.D. | Understanding The Bible

Session 8 - Paul and the Christ Myth-The Movement and the Man: A New Consciousness

by Culver Nelson, D.D. | Understanding The Bible

Session 9 - John and Revelation: Several Johns, A Gospel and A Revelationess

by Culver Nelson, D.D. | Understanding The Bible

Session 10 -The Man from Galilee: The Historic Jesus - A Parable Maker

by Culver Nelson, D.D. | Understanding The Bible